Monday, September 30, 2024

Pre-orders Available + Interview

 First off, pre-orders are available for the re-issue of Resurrection Code--the fifth book in my AngeLINK series. 

Secondly, there is an interview with me at Salon Futura talking about this book here:

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Cover Reveal!

As you are aware, gentle reader, my AngeLINK series turned 20 this year. (I mean, technically, given that it's a series, 20 can be counted anywhere from 2021 to 2031.) But, what is truly important is that this is the year that the books are being re-issued in print by Wizard's Tower Press. The reason that Resurrection Code has lagged behind all the others is because when it was first released by Mad Norwegian Press is was it was barely a novel in length. It might be technically novella length, but we tacked on two short stories to the original publication. Wizard's Tower really wanted the price break that comes from a regular-sized novel and so I dug up and dusted off almost 30,000 "new" words to be added to this book. To be honest, dedicated fans of my series might have found a way to read a lot of what is being touted as new material, however, as it was hidden in various places all over my ancient (if still functioning) website. But this is the first time it will all be collected in one, easily readable place.

From its inception, this book was written for my superfans, so I feel like it's really fitting that it contains what is essentially authorial fanfic.

I have no idea if there is any kind of real market for this book. It is certainly NOT the kind of book that Penguin would have ever allowed me to write, not even in my heyday. It's generally weird, very trans, and now filled with so many odd (and wonderful, I hope!) drabbles and chapters I pulled from previous books and... they would have looked at it and said, what is this garbage? Or maybe not, but they certainly would have given it a pass.

I am so grateful to Wizard Tower for giving this book not only a home, but a chance to go out into the world to anyone who needs or wants even a part of it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

New Podcast Featuring a Wyrdsmith

 I have a new podcast all about cyberpunk. We are dropping new episodes every two weeks, and this week's episode is all about Queer cyberpunk--just in time for Pride Month.

Give it a listen, if this seems like your sort of thing?

Co-host Ka1iban and I go deep into the idea that there is something intrinsically queer about body mods, internet anonymity, and other cyberpunk themes.

You can listen to us anywhere fine podcasts are found, but several include:





Monday, June 10, 2024

Congrats to Naomi!!


"Year Without Sunshine" won a Nebula! Whoo hoo! Go, Wyrdsmiths!

Monday, April 29, 2024

The Big Idea: Resistance

 If you're curious what went on in my back brain as I wrote Welcome to Boy. Net, here's my Big Idea:

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Cover Release Day: Welcome to Boy.Net


The official release date is April 25, but you can pre-order it now here:

Friday, March 15, 2024

Congrats to Naomi and Kelly!


Congratulations to all the nominees, of course, but this is a stellar year for the Wyrdsmiths! Naomi is up for three categories:

  • Novelette: “The Year Without Sunshine”, Naomi Kritzer (Uncanny 11-12/23)
  • Short Story: “Better Living Through Algorithms”, Naomi Kritzer (Clarkesworld 5/23)
  • Andre Norton (Middle Grade & YA) Liberty’s Daughter, Naomi Kritzer (Fairwood)

And Kelly:
  • Novella: The Crane Husband, Kelly Barnhill (Tordotcom)
Best of luck to them both! See the full list of nominations, here: