We got our new Smart car the day before the con
The car from our room
My badges...OMFFSM Chris Jones drew a
Connie/Melchior hybrid badge for me!
Did I mention OMFFSM? This rocks!
My schedule is on the kiosks...coooool...eeep.
Vilification tennis, in which
I get rug burn on my knees
OMFFSM it's a life-size mural of my Furies!
Created by the folks at the MNPoly party
They also had someone (Jess Karels)
who was cross-playing Ravirn
(updated with censored version)
A really cool raven mask—nothing
to do with my books, just cool
One of these women is my wife, one is one
of my guest liaisons. I managed not to grab
the wrong redhead during the convention,
but it was close a couple of times
My mother-in-law had the same problem
From the front the resemblance isn't
_quite_ as strong, but wow
Finally, this was a complete surprise
and I was pretty much speechless
(not a normal condition for me, btw)
And that's just skimming the visual surface. It was an incredible weekend.
And I have to say that at least at this point in time, you don't appear to have been deflected off into 'jerk pro' -- in fact, you seem pretty well inoculated against it.
(this is John Slade on my work computer, btw)
Fast cars, daemonic servitors, beautiful women—life is good when you're the Guest of Honor!
How was the drive back in the Smart Car?
Congratulations, Kelly! Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend as the GOH!
We're loving the Smart Car, the Furies, and the Dueling Redheads!
The Smart's a good ride so far. We'll know more when we take it on a road trip at the end of the month.
SO wish I could have been there!! Looks like an amazing time. Congrats, Kelly!
Congratulations on inspiring a wall mural that violates Photobucket's terms of service! Also, I assume that badge is going straight to your archivist? ;)
You should've photoshopped censor boxes over the Furies' naughty bits. That would've saved you from having Photobucket block the pic :p
It was awesome to meet you in person. Glad you liked the mural.
totally love the melchior badge!
Silly photobucket. Oh well.
Jess, loved the mural, and nice to meet you as well.
Cloudscudding. Actually, the badge is getting framed and going up on the wall, though I imagine there will eventually be arrangements to get it to my archivist.
Mari, me too.
Thanks for letting us kick you in the junk on Friday night.
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