Hi! I wanted to let you know S.C. Green has given you a blog award over at The Parking Lot Confessional. You can pick it up here: http://wp.me/psAeI-y1.
Our two collections are printed in a limited edition of 250 numbered copies and signed by the contributors when available. Click on the images below to purchase them through Dreamhaven Books, or contact us to order directly.
New Wyrd: A Wyrdsmiths Anthology (2006). Trade paperback, 8.25 x 5.75 inches, 118 pages, $8.00.
Tales from the Black Dog: A Wyrdsmiths Chapbook (2005). Saddle stitched, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, 63 pages, $6.00.
Howdy stranger! ::ships pass in the night...er, late/mid-mornish::
Mine kittehs: Wes posing with his stuffed elephant as if he is a preschooler on picture day, & Ms. Lucy peering over the edge of her roost.
Hi! I wanted to let you know S.C. Green has given you a blog award over at The Parking Lot Confessional. You can pick it up here: http://wp.me/psAeI-y1.
Waves at Jen. Wes and Ms. Lucy are such cuties.
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