Thursday, June 29, 2023

COMING SOON - Liberty's Daughter (Naomi Kritzer)

Between 2012 and 2015, I had six linked stories published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction about a teenage girl living on a near-future seastead. Seasteads are real-ish: there are people actually trying to make them happen, although so far the various attempts to do it have not gone particularly well. In the stories, Beck Garrison is the daughter of a powerful man, which offers her some limited protection as her curiosity and loyalty to friends lead her into discovering things about her home that were supposed to remain secret.

The novel version — the existing stories, plus one more — will be coming out this fall from Fairwood Press! (This is the publisher that published my short story collection.) No order link yet, but I'll post again once there is one!
Also, I had a new short story come out last month! "Better Living Through Algorithms," published in Clarkesworld.

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