Friday, August 04, 2006


I am the oldest (and second newest) member of the Wyrdsmiths. I joined -- what? two years ago? -- when the group was already well established. My publishing creds include five novels and 30 + short stories. As Naomi mentioned, I have won awards -- the Tiptree and Mythopoeic Society Awards for my fourth novel, A Woman of the Iron People, and a Minnesota book award for my fifth novel, Ring of Swords.
I moved away from novels ten years ago, when I found I could not sell the sequel to Ring of Swords. Since then I have written short stories, novelettes and novellas. I think now and then about going back to novels, but I really do like short fiction. I especially like writing stories that are interconnected. They have the compactness of short fiction, as well as the richness of a novel, since the same universe is shown over and over from different angles and the same characters reappear.
I make my living doing accounting for a small nonprofit. My hobbies are birdwatching and car trips down two lane highways. I just moved into a new apartment and turned my desktop into a DVD player and am catching up on all the movies I haven't seen in the past umpteen years.

1 comment:

Eleanor said...

I had a 13 inch, black and white Sony for 20 years. It died circa 1986, and I stopped watching t.v. Though I did get a color t.v. and VCR later and watched some movies. But nothing like the movie watching I'm doing now. Last night was the Appendices to Return of the King and tonight was My Neighbor Totoro, which I found charming. I think it was probably a mistake to cut myself off so much from media. Right now I feel as if ideas are stirring in the back of my mind is response to Lord of the Rings, and I want to go back to writing -- something big and romantic.