Friday, April 06, 2007

The Tone of my Comments

I read over my comments -- checking to be sure I wasn't repeating myself on production, which I sort of am. I think I need to work on tone. My comments aren't upbeat enough.

ICFA was fun. I got to talk with Melissa Scott and Brian Attebery. People told me how wonderful my writing is and how much they enjoy teaching it, which is very nice to hear. I often don't take my writing seriously. Sometimes as I write, I think this is utterly cool. What a neat idea! But a lot of the time, I notice what's wrong, not what's right, usually at the level of sentence structure. This sentence is awkward. That sentence does not sing.

It's good when other people say they like what I do.

I added two birds to my life list: the ring-necked turtle dove and the boat-tailed grackle, both common around the hotel pool. The grackle is native. The dove is Eurasian, but has settled into Florida and looks quite happy.

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