Sunday, December 09, 2007

Making Light Indices Update May-Aug 2006

Making Light Indices Update May-Aug 2006.

Writers Index:


"How to throw a large room party at a science fiction convention." Teresa's manual for same. Indispensable tool for the pro or fan looking to run a room party. 253 comments Aug, 2006.

F&SF As A Genre

The tension between the fantastic and the quantifiable in F&SF. 232 comments.

John M. Ford on the non-predictive nature of SF. 113 comments Aug, 2006.

Grammar, Punctuation and the Copyeditor

"Phonetic near-misses" a long list of things like "passed history not with standing." 464 comments May, 2006.

Literary Scams

Absolute Write, a leading site for information on writing and publishing, is temporarily shut down by complaints from Barbara Bauer about her place on the 20 worst agents list–see posts above for details on BB and the 20 worst. 898 comments May, 2006. With follow up on salvaging data from the old site for the new one. 239 comments May, 2006.

Publishing Industry

F&SF models and the ever changing world of style. From the Tor art department, don't forget to update your models. 106 comments Jul, 2006.

Vanity Press

Author House guilty of publishing libelous material. This is what comes of not actually reading your vanity press material before publishing. 22 comments Aug, 2006.

General Index:

Backups Through History

It's not just mummies, bog psalms. 1,000 year old psalter shows up in Irish Bog. 47 comments Jul, 2006.

Civil Rights and Liberties

Obama plays into right wing dominionist trope in speech, screws up big time. Co-incidentally does it as a Jewish family is driven from their home in Southern Delaware. 784 comments Jul, 2006.


"How to throw a large room party at a science fiction convention." Teresa's manual for same. Indispensable tool for the pro or fan looking to run a room party. 253 comments Aug, 2006.

F&SF History and Culture

John M. Ford on the non-predictive nature of SF. 113 comments Aug, 2006.

Bad reporting. Patrick takes exception to Salon's reporting on the Tiptree biography. 64 comments Aug, 2006.

Tiptree bio on the cover of NY Times book review without any slighting comments abouts SF. Sign of the apocalypse? 58 comments Aug, 2006.

List of titles edited by Patrick and Teresa. 32 comments Aug, 2006.

Grammar Geeking

"Phonetic near-misses" a long list of things like "passed history not with standing." 464 comments May, 2006.


An anti-catholic anti-immigrant article that reads like it's straight out of the 1880s. 147 comments May, 2006.

Teresa has words for those who suggest militarization of the border. It's a bad bad idea. 122 comments May, 2006.

New York City does just fine with immigrants and, guess what, they've got lots. The melting pot still works. 349 comments May, 2006.

Internet Discourse

Astroturf blog comments, propaganda up close and personal. 18 comments Aug, 2006. More on blogs astroturf. 37 comments Aug, 2006.

IOKIYAR (It OK if You're a Republican)

Limbaugh busted again, drug charges, again. 130 comments Jun, 2006. And, for comparison how you get treated if you're not Limbaugh. Who says you can't buy, tilt, what's the dif? 158 comments Jun, 2006.

Iraq/Afghanistan Wars

Center for war-related brain injury funding cut. 32 comments Aug, 2006.

Rumsfeld accuses detractors of being confused. Jim notes that we're not confused. We are opposed to the security threat posed to America by Rumsfeld, his boss, and their cronies. 124 comments Aug, 2006.

Medicine/Emergency Response

Jim Macdonald on Heat Stress. 2000 comments Jul, 2006.

Jim Macdonald on consciousness levels and emergency medicine. 100 comments Aug, 2006.


Jim Baen. 69 comments Jun, 2006. And an earlier thread when Jim Baen went into the hospital. 101 comments Jun, 2006.


English Football Rouser, Vindaloo (ironic), or song to be song while drunk with a crowd. 176 comments Jul, 2006.

Total Eclipse of the Heart. The Norwegian reimagining video by Hurra Torpedo. Musical strangeness compounded over several post. 54 comment Aug, 2006. Teresa gives a horror author take on the original video. 84 comments Aug, 2006. More Total Eclipse. 26 comments Aug, 2006.

40th anniversary of the Beatles Revolver. Patrick on musical historical significance. 50 comments Aug, 2006.


"Quatrains on American history" Teresa finds another site playing clever poetry games. 79 comments Jun, 2006.

I iz on ur busses making u listn poetry. Minneapolis/St. Paul Transit does a project in which poets read their work aloud to a captive audience of bus rider. What a bad idea. 226 comments Jun, 2006.


No, not winning at least one house of congress for the Democrats is not a good idea as "some Democrats" are claimed to be arguing. 150 comments May, 2006.

Political reporting in America, a pinion on the right wing? The Right Wing Noise Machine. 118 comments May, 2006.

Common Cause outs bunch of "unaffiliated" think tanks and astroturf "grassroots" organizations. Industrialized lying. 39 comments Aug, 2006.

Ralph Nader's stock portfolio and what it says about his commitment to consumer protection. Just when I thought my respect for Ralph couldn't drop any further... 73 comments Aug, 2006.

Macho conservative "hunters". Hunting farmed animals=slaughter not hunting. Just another aspect of the whole chickenhawk mentality. 162 comments Aug, 2006.

Bush disaster response = photo ops and exploitation. New Orleans, September 11th, etc. 85 comments Aug, 2006.

The Senate and the very real differences between Democrats and Republican. Graphical charts showing votes. 40 comments Aug, 2006.


Lenticular formation. Lentils dish. 55 comments May, 2006.

Steamed Clams 79 comments Jul, 2006.

Jim Macdonald's Pasta with sausage. 64 comments Aug, 2006.

Republican war on science

Heat deaths and the Republican Us vs. Them mentality. California heatwave is a killer and things are only going to get worse as this old globe keeps warming. 136 comments Jul, 2006.


Author House guilty of publishing libelous material. This is what comes of not actually reading your vanity press material before publishing. 22 comments Aug, 2006.

Security Theater

Patrick links to George R.R. Martin onTSA as Security Theater. 245 comments Aug, 2006.

Schwarzenegger does security theater to the tune of 300 National Guard troops cooling their heels at a number of airports due to vague threats. 50 comments Aug, 2006.

Why banning liquids doesn't do much beyond security theater when the folks who want to make bombs are willing to die. People are containers for liquids. 50 comments Aug, 2006.

The "exploding shampoo plot" and the liquids ban. Feasibility? Not so much. 56 comments Aug, 2006. What the media missed while hyperventilating over same. 31 comments Aug, 2006. "The exploding shampoo plot"–source of the name. 52 comments Aug, 2006. Careful disposal of banned liquids...not so much. John M. Ford on "TSA Gumbo Surprise." 68 comments Aug, 2006.


Super-heroines and their "Styrofoam tits". I'll admit it would explain a lot. 363 comments May, 2006.

War on Terra

Pentagon refuse to explicitly limit humiliating and degrading treatment. Torture? Oh my, yes. 292 comments Jun, 2006.

New York has zero national monuments or icons, likely to be targeted by terrorists. Really. That's the official count from Bush & Co for purposes of grants to the states. 123 comments Jun, 2006. And this is how DHS came to that conclusion. 62 comments Jun, 2006. And continuing the fun It's NYC's fault that they lost anti-terrorist funds. 30 comments Jun, 2006.

Social Control and Propaganda. 136 comments Jun, 2006.

What is the real threat level from terrorism? Maybe, not so much. 65 comments Aug, 2006.

When we change our way of life and allow our leader to spread fear we're doing what the terrorist want us to do. What does that make Fox News and the Republican fear machine? 62 comments Aug, 2006.

Uncategorized (Thus Far, and yes, deliberately out of order)

Teresa smells a funny smell...her recently deceased neighbor, as it turns out. 135 comments Nov, 2005. Her recently deceased, murdered neighbor, actually. 510 comments Nov, 2005. Another update: "The guy who (reportedly) shot my next-door neighbor" 40 comments May, 2006. And another, the very next day: "I’m a little more dubious than I was yesterday" 81 comments May, 2006.

No, glass doesn't slowly flow downward. 161 comments May, 2006.

Dangerous science experiments. 72 comments May, 2006.

Patrick on Gore's An Inconvenient Truth" 71 comments May, 2006.

A huge thread about a Livejournal decision to ban breast-feeding icons. 586 comments May, 2006.

Monthly budgets of the rich and clueless, an example. 348 comments Jul, 2006.

The traditional pin-tumbler lock cracked. A master solution to the problem of picking the standard lock. 67 comments Aug, 2006.

Much silliness from Scalzi, Westerfeld, etc. in Pluto planet? controversy. 198 comments Aug, 2006.

Ode to a typewriter. Teresa waxes nostalgic on the IBM Selectric and the passing of the typewriter. 111 comments Aig, 2006.

Teresa talks about 1491, a survey of pre-Columbian America. 206 comments Aug, 2006.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Don’t mix haploid and diploid M&Ms.

Not hard to guess what genre these folks work in, is it?