I'm just back from a week in Arizona visiting various relatives and looking forward to editing out the beta draft of SpellCrash. Hopefully I'll have that done by Wednesday and can get it out to my first readers (memo to me: check in with the usual suspects). If that works out, I'll probably call Thursday a delivery day, and take a long weekend before looking into what to do next. Maybe the final draft of Horus, maybe reread Swine Prince and redraft the first three chapters so I can get that off to my agent. Then...who knows?
I've got to look at the Halifax book again soonish since the proposal for that goes off to Ace shortly after SpellCrash, but that's not a right now kind of question. Website update and additions is probably high on the list sine I need to post about six short stories and first chapters for WebMage, Cybermancy, and Codespell as well as a bunch of other minor tweaks. There's spring house stuff to be done as well and the 2009 travel schedule to sort out.
What about y'all? Anything exciting planned for the week?
Finally, here are a couple of pix from the trip. My dad's cat and Jupe the wondermutt, complete with pink plastic conehead:
Cross me at your peril, human.

Layer cake napping.

Heh - I have to start revising a story about the future of veterinary medicine. Right on point...
Deadline for stories for the Harlan County Horrors anthology is the 31st and of course I don't have all of the stories in yet. o.O I've been typing, reading, and editing my head and fingers off this last week, though, trying to get what I do have all nice and polished and ready to go for the publisher.
Just got back from a week in Mississippi to a sick wife and younger son. Doctor tomorrow for Number Two Son, not sure if the wife will go to work, and I have to start getting ready for another trip this coming weekend.
What? And I'm supposed to be writing, too? I'll get right on that...
Writing temporarily derailed by sadness. Our 16 year old cat Kerwin passed away peacefully at home today after a long illness. Really best for her, but tonight may be a night to veg out to the TV instead of working on my highly emotional book. Back on track tomorrow...
Laura, so sorry to hear about the loss of the kitty. Definitely take some time to baby yourself.
discovering that while adding three chapters to the beginning of my book may be the right thing to do, it is one hell of an editing challenge!!
it's kind of like putting on your shirt, ripping off one of the sleeves, than sewing it all back together while still wearing it.
Mari, I wish you success.
Shawn, I've got one like that in Swine Prince. I've been putting off the rewrite for years because I basically need to scrap the first three chapters and write something new that does all the same things.
Thanks Kelly.
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