Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday Afternoon Tuesday Morning WIP Open Thread

"What's for Breakfast," it should be known, was in no way meant to substitute for our traditional Monday work-in-progress open thread. Accordingly, breakfast having been had a while ago (even by us late risers), now's the time to ask: what's on your plate, metaphorically or literally speaking, today?


Kelly McCullough said...

Final pass through opening chapters of Eye of Horus so I can get it in the mail, packing up my mother-in-law's cane so I can get it in the mail, packing for multiple trips so I can get me in the mail....

Bill Henry said...

Finished an ed. job and packed it off to the publisher; drafted a cover letter to a small-press editor who's asked to see TC; spoke with my friend HeloĆ­sa S. on the phone for an hour about her cool-sounding second novel-in-the-making; stared blankly (not in a bad way, mind you) at my own second novel-in-the-making; snapped out of it and went to the gym. Now the showering. Then the dining.

Stephanie Zvan said...

Making myself concentrate (mostly) on the things I actually get paid for instead of rushing off to write up the proposal for the nonfiction book my co-editor's agent says she can definitely sell.

And trying not to squee too loudly. :)

tate hallaway said...

Finally getting ad to Wyrdsmiths' critiques of my work-in-progress and trying to remember what everyone said. (This is why I usually try to do this Friday morning.)

Kelly McCullough said...

Steph, sounds very cool. Congrats!