Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Morning WIP, Deadline Edition

I shouldn't be posting here at all. I should be writing. Like. A. Fiend.

In eighteen days my young adult novel is due at Penguin USA. I've got about a hundred or so pages to write. I suspect I'll make it, given how much I can write during the day. The real question is: how much time will my readers have to read it and for me to revise it after they find everything what is wrong with it....

And wouldn't you know it? The world is full of shiny. I have have dishes that need doing. Kitty litter to change, and, suddenly, it all seems so much more interesting than writing.

So... distract me! What are you up to today? Anything fun?


Laura Bradley Rede said...

What am I up to? Why, waiting for the new Tate Hallaway YA to come out! No pressure;) No, really, I'm plugging away at my revisions to my my own leisurely, uncontracted pace... Hang in there! :)

Jon said...

I've sent out my queries. Now I'm just waiting for a response...

Hold on, I'm going to check my e-mail...

...Still nothing.

So, I'm waiting... badly.

I'm keeping a log of the whole process on my blog, but that only seems to intensify the waiting...

Also, I am starting to work on the second book again, after a brief query-preparing hiatus. I'm trying to distract myself with work.

...not working.

I'm going to go check my e-mail again.

Kelly McCullough said...

Grant writing this afternoon, proposal writing this evening.

Douglas Hulick said...

I got a nice scene nailed down in "Hawthorn Queen" before I had to go pick up my wife at the airport. Then lunch at Salut, browsing the brew shot, and picking son #2 up at school. With luck, I will be able to do a bit more writing this evening.

Shawn Enderlin said...

Vacationing (why did I come back to this lovely weather?). But now I'm back and blogging for my writing group.

Check out the new blog by The Scribblerati: