Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Free Words!

I'm deep in (attempted) word generation at the moment, but thought I'd come up long enough to let everyone know that there is an excerpt from "Among Thieves" up over at my website now. (The direct link, in case people want to share, is: )

There are also links to the sole interview I have done so far (which I've mentioned here before), as well as an early review.

In related news, Roc is going to be doing a give-away of 30 ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) of the book over on GoodReads, from Feb. 7 through the 21st. I'll do a separate post when I get more info, or when it gets a wee bit closer, whichever comes first. (The GoodReads promo is U.S. only, I fear.)

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