Mason and I did our usual pumpkin carving/pumpkin seed roasting last night. This year, for the first time, Mason did all the carving and scooping of his own pumpkins. I'm going to get pictures of all of the pumpkins we did tonight when the candles are in them, but here are some "action" shots from last night:
The pumpkin above is going to have a bunch of knives sticking in its head when we're finished with it, which is why he looks a bit like he's wincing.
Here's a shot of us in progress:
There will be more pictures, particularly once Mason is in full costume tonight. He's decided to take up the long standing Morehouse tradition of preferring to stay home and hand out the candy. As part of this, Mason has made a featureless black mask and plans to dress all in flowing shadowy robes in order to 'haunt' anyone who shows up to the door for Trick-or-Treat. So you could say he's going as the Trick in Trick-or-Treat.
My only hope is that he doesn't make too many little kids cry. But, you know, he's a good kid. I know that's not his intention. In fact, it would break his heart if he made some little Elisa cry. I'm pretty sure who he has in his sights are the neighbor boys and those late straggling teenagers.
We've also been invited to a neighbor's costume party so I might struggle on my Renji cosplay and head over to try out their appetizers and such. As a bonus, I can bring along about six zillion roasted pumpkin seeds, because OMG we had so many this year. They were big and juicy too, so they're delicious!
I have a few other announcement to pass on. First and Foremost, I was invited to be the Guest of Honor at MarsCON again for 2015. MarsCON is going to be held March 6 -8, 2015: MarsCON 2015: Heroes and Wizards & Fae--OHhh MYyy.
Secondly, I'll be reading at this year's Minnesota Speculative Writers' Showcase. It's Sunday, November 9th from noon to 3 PM at Acadia Cafe. The Local Author Showcase has a Facebook Pagewith more information than you'll ever need! But, if for some reason, you can't see that, the salient bit of information is that Acadia Cafe is located at 329 Cedar Avenue South, Minneapolis. The event is FREE and open to the public. I was told I'd have only a very short period to read, so I think the idea is kind of like the Broad Universe Rapid Fire readings. You'll get a tiny sample of everyone work. It should be fun. Hope to see some of you there.
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