I have the unusual distinction of having my books translated into... English. My agent sold British rights to all three Garnet Lacey books. I just got a gander at the British Cover for Romancing the Dead. I thought I'd put them both up here for comparison....
On top, the British. Below, I present the American version of the same book.

Anyone have a favorite?
I think I like the british one better. I can't say why, exactly ... it just looks more fun.
I think the British one is more "hip". ;)
I actually prefer the American. There is more action and movement. You still don't know what the book is about, but at least you get some sort of ideas about the protagonist. Or something like that.
I often think the Brit covers are cooler than ours, but not in this case.
Hmmm . . .the woman on the Brit cover is sexier, and I like the color of the cover better. BUT . . .I really like the bicycle and the cat on the American version because it makes it clear that the heroine is unconventional in more ways than one.
They are both pretty good, really. I think you really lucked out in the cover department. I truly hate those photograph covers they use on contemporary romance type of books now. The people on them all look like generic fitness models to me and I prefer my sexy people to be interesting-looking.
Thanks for the opinions. I agree with Doug that it's really hard in either version to tell what the book is supposed to be about. Interestingly, I actually gave my editor the scene for the American version... and they *gasp* used it.
--Lyda (speaking for her alterego because she's too lazy to change blogger accounts.)
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