Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday Morning WIP Open Thread

Hey Folks,

Just hitting the treadmill and wondering what everyone's up to. Today I'm working on the beta for eye of Horus and submission stuff for the Black School update. I'm also pretending the holidays are not bearing down on me like a runaway freight train.

How about you?


Anonymous said...

I am finally back, and rested, and have half a brain again.

I'll be spinning back into work with "Silvertongue", which I can hopefully turn into Wyrdsmiths in early December, then back to Glimmerfolk.

Kelly Swails said...

Working on New Book and cleaning the fridge. I've decided to declutter a little at a time and today it's the fridge's turn. Tomorrow I might do the junk drawer in the kitchen.

Bill Henry said...

Wrote about two thousand words of Seven Acts over the weekend . . .

Drafted a piece on the Hildebrandts and another on Frank Frazetta (probably another two thousand words all told) . . .

Winter soccer's begun and all of a sudden I'm up to my knees in laundry . . .

Douglas Hulick said...

Sick and slogging along.

Jon said...

I'm currently working on my Novel's synopsis and I've been snooping a few agents' pages and what not for submission guidelines, so I have a question.

If they ask for a synopsis in the submittal, but do not specify page count, how long should the synopsis be, in general?




How many pages should it be, so that the agent doesn't just look at it and go: "Nope, too long" and then toss it. (The question of the quality of the submission not withstanding, of course.)

Kelly McCullough said...

Jon, it varies. Certainly no more than 5 pages double spaced courier. Three would be better. Present tense, btw. That's for unsolicited stuff by a new writer. The rules change as you move up the feeding chain. Hope that helps.

Jon said...

Thanks, it does help. I'm at 9 and 1/2 and slowly but surely hacking off bits and pieces.

lydamorehouse said...

I routinely write 10 page synopses, but I think the smartest thing would be to query the agent in question.

Just a thought.

I'm currently not writing at all and haven't been for a while. Mostly, I'm trying to get my head around the fact we're going to have houseguests for T-day after all.

Jon said...

I've been writing... if you call staring at your synopsis and pulling your hair out writing... Happy T day! (Thats T for Terminator, right?)

Kelly McCullough said...

Jon, a query on that wouldn't be a bad idea at all if you're willing to take the extra time.

Lyda, I routinely write longer synopses as well, but you and I both have multiple books published. And, as I noted, the rules change as you move up the feeding chain.