Thursday, May 26, 2011

Doug's WisCon schedule

If the following looks familiar, it's because my WisCon schedule is exactly the same as Kelly's. Not to fear, though: I have no plans to shave my head, and am still somewhat taller than Kelly, so the odds of confusing us for one another at these functions remain small. :)

Sat, 1:00–2:15 pm Great Lakes Urban Graverobbers, Inc. Reading, Michelangelos
Saladin Ahmed, Will Alexander, Barth Anderson, Douglas Hulick, Kelly McCullough
Readings by writers from the shadowy hoodoo-holes and soggy nether-reaches of the Upper Midwest.

Sun, 8:45 pm–Mon, 3:00 Wyrdsmiths Publication Party: Among Thieves: A Tale of the Kin by Douglas Hulick and Resurrection Code by Lyda Morehouse, Room 634
Eleanor A. Arnason, Douglas Hulick, Naomi Kritzer, Kelly McCullough, Sean M Murphy
Members of the Wyrdsmiths writing group are going to publish four novels in 2011. We'd like to celebrate this, and especially celebrate the publication of Doug Hulick's first novel.

Mon, 10:00–11:15 am Being a Resilient Writer, Conference 5
Moderator: Eleanor A. Arnason, Douglas Hulick, Kelly McCullough, Catherine M. Schaff-Stump Writing is a line of work full of setbacks. What are these setbacks? How does one bounce back and keep writing? How does one find ways around setbacks and blocks in the road?

Mon, 11:30 am–12:45 pm The SignOut, Capitol/Wisconsin
Alex Bledsoe, K. Tempest Bradford, Richard Chwedyk, Alan John DeNiro, Moondancer Drake, Timmi Duchamp, Pamela Dean, Carol F. Emshwiller, Matt Forbeck, Valerie Estelle Frankel, Hiromi Goto, Anna Black, Eileen Gunn, Andrea D. Hairston, Jacqueline Houtman, Douglas Hulick, Deborah Lynn Jacobs, Vylar Kaftan, Ellen Klages, Josh Lukin, Kelly McCullough, Neesha Meminger, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Sarah Monette, Nancy Jane Moore, Pat Murphy, Nnedi Okorafor, Mark D. Rich, James P. Roberts, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Mary Doria Russell, Catherine M. Schaff-Stump, Fred Schepartz, Nisi Shawl, Jennifer Stevenson, Kathryn Sullivan, Lynne M. Thomas, Sheree Renée Thomas, Amy Thomson

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