Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Why So Shiny, Internet?

Why is it, that when you finally have some real work you need to do on writing, the whole world looks SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING!?

What's weird to me about this phenomenon is that I'm not usually one of those writers who talks about how hard the process is. I would never deny that writing is hard. It is. But, for me at least, I love it just that much that the pain of revisions or the blank page or whatever is really quite mild in comparison to the sheer joy of getting to make sh*t up all day long. (Best. Job. Ever.) The things, instead, that tend to break my heart are the business end of things. I can (and have recently) get really down about how hard it is to actually make a living as a writer.

I have an awesome idea for a proposal right now. It's been kicking around in my head for nearly a week and a half. I can not. get. out. I think, actually, my problem is two-fold. Not only is the Internet really shiny when writing isn't flowing, but I also don't really have a good handle on my plot yet. I need to figure out what story I want to tell. I've got this awesome character that I'm really in love with, but I haven't figured out the "what's at stake?" question. What is it that's going to make her grow and change over the course of 80,000 to 100, 000 words?

I have some of her character "issues" (she's from a future "visible minority,") but I haven't figured out what about that is going to come to a head--and HOW. The "how" has been kind of killing me, actually.

But, I'm determined to have a finished draft of the proposal by Thursday. Now I just have to not look at all the shiny bits...

Oh! Squirrel!

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