Thursday, November 17, 2011

Writing is Hard, Barbie

Probably most of you don't remember that stink several years ago now over some talking Barbie doll that said, "Math is hard!" But, it is to that which the subject header makes a reference.

I don't always think writing is hard, but I sure did yesterday. I'm doing something lately that I don't attempt very often. I'm writing a short story.

Worse, yesterday, I met some writer friends per usual at our traditional coffee shop and, by chance, the owner had scheduled an author event. A gentleman read from his memoirs, and... well... I'm not fan of memoirs, frankly, but it was also really difficult to write my own words while desperately trying to tune out another's. Also, I'm at that point in the short story (about half way or 2/3rds way through) where I think it completely sucks.

But, today I will try again.

Because that's what it's all about. (Well, that and the hokey-pokey, of course.)


Paul Weimer said...

Probably most of you don't remember that stink several years ago now over some talking Barbie doll that said, "Math is hard!" But, it is to that which the subject header makes a reference.

Oh. I remember that.

"Math is hard. Let's go shopping!"

Eleanor said...

Memoirs are important for the family and sometimes for historians. That said, I am not crazy about readings, unless the person in question reads really well. In this case, I got a headache.